Boling 2024 Bond Program
Boling ISD
2024 Bond Program
Welcome to the Boling ISD 2024 Bond Program website. On May 4, 2024, the voters of Boling ISD (BISD) approved a $40,500,000 bond proposal as the first step in a long-range strategy to address educational adequacy of facilities in BISD. The primary objective of the program is to replace Newgulf Elementary School, constructed in 1929, with a new modern campus. BISD will also address priority improvements at Boling High School as funds are available. This website has been designed to provide the community with regular updates of the program’s progress. Check back regularly for updates!

Current Headlines
Schematic Design Nearing Completion
After several months of planning and meetings with district staff and administrators, the schematic design for the new elementary campus is taking shape. Feedback from teachers and administrators from Newgulf Elementary has been a big part of this process. The new campus layout and relationships between various instructional and support spaces are coming to light. It is expected that the proposed schematic design will be presented to the Board of Trustees at the regularly scheduled meeting in December. However, a sneak peek at the progress was presented to the Board on November 12. A link to that presentation is provided below:
Board Selects General Contractor
After soliciting proposals from interested contractors and reviewing qualifications and pricing proposals, interviews were set up with the top-ranked firms. Following the interviews, staff recommended Drymalla Construction as the preferred general contractor to the Board of Trustees.
At their regularly scheduled meeting on August 20, 2024, the Board voted to approve Drymalla Construction to serve as Construction Manager at Risk for the new elementary campus in Newgulf. The construction manager at risk delivery method provides for participation by the contractor during design and offers a structured and transparent approach to all construction expenditures.